Don't be so blinkin' rude! | Network Marketing

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Don't be so blinkin' rude!

We have been doing some knowledge sharing (ahem, chatting) here at Network Marketing about some of the most interesting interview situations we have been in throughout the years. While we have been lucky enough to meet some truly amazing candidates, the not so good can stand out as brightly, if not more-so on occasion.

Here are our top 10 tips on what you should avoid doing…

  • Complaining – ‘I have been waiting for some time’. You might be annoyed at being kept waiting but mentioning it will not be viewed positively – trust us

  • Cursing – effing and blinding is not ok with everyone, so it is worthwhile not doing it AT ALL in an interview

  • Arrogance – ‘I don’t have any weaknesses’. Everybody does, acknowledge them and share them when asked, within reason of course!

  • Asking personal questions – ‘are you married / do you have kids’? At worst against the law, at best not appropriate at interview stage

  • Selfishness – ‘I, I, I, me, me, me…’ candidates need to show how they can add value to the role and fit into the culture, not solely talk about themselves

  • General indifference – come on guys, if you’re at an interview at least ‘look’ interested

  • Distractions – your phone, notepad, pen or whatever it may be, keep your focus on your interviewer and what’s being said

  • Negativity – ‘No negative Nancies’ is a saying in our office and completely applies to your interview

  • Body language – everyone is nervous at interviews, but closed body language, no eye contact and clipped answers may just give the wrong impression

  • Chewing gum – even just having it in to the side of your mouth is a big no no!

What do you think – do you agree with our top 10?

We work with our candidates to ensure, as much as possible, that they are well briefed and practiced in order to nail interviews – not every recruiter can say the same!


Lynne is our marketing manager and has worked in communications for more than 10 years. A proud Dub, (*Dublin, Ireland*), she has lived in the UK for over 6 years with most of this time spent living in sunny Brighton. New to Leeds, she is learning the Yorkshire way, although it is not diluting her accent at all. She talks about all things Network Marketing and The Book Recruitment, a lot, and via many channels!