It’s well documented that recruitment is a challenging business so here at Network Marketing we organise an event each year to reward those that have gone above and beyond expectations.
It’s incredibly difficult to separate out those that do and don’t qualify for this conference as we know everyone works hard and are often at different stages in their careers with us. But it’s also important for us at Network Marketing that people have fun both inside and outside the office.
However, the conference this year took us to Alicante, Spain. We stayed in an amazing resort and conference centre and managed to strike just the right balance between working and socialising (well, almost).
Other than conference time, there was plenty of opportunity to chat by the pool and the boys even got time for a round of golf, with varying levels of success. The evenings were lively affairs but we did make time for some local culture and enjoyed an amazing meal in a local tapas restaurant.
With employer branding being at the top of many HR and recruiters agendas we thought future employees may like to see one of the benefits of our teams’ hard work. We hope to take everyone next year and make it our best annual conference yet!