Friday Lunch In Leeds - Week 3 | Network Marketing

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Friday Lunch In Leeds - Week 3


So, as you may know from previous blogs, us Leeds folk are quite partial to a Friday lunchtime out, the topic of which is generally discussed from Wednesday onwards…this week we were super organised and by Tuesday the Network Marketing team were booked into the new place in the heart of Leeds’ West End; Sociable Folk! Sociable Folk has very recently opened in Wellington Place, a fab location for the Leeds based Network Marketing team – it’s a great deli/café/bar. They offer the best of both worlds – it’s a great place to pop in and pick up a sandwich or salad to take out, or they have a great modern dinning area, lots of high tables with stools and a great outside dinning area too. The menu suits everyone – healthy salads and fruit juices or toasties, crisps, brownies and its also a great place to pop in for a glass of post-office fizz too… Sociable Folk got a massive thumbs up from everyone here at Network Marketing Leeds, its safe to say we will definitely be regulars from now on!


thumbs up


A true success story here at Network Marketing, Laura joined as a Graduate Trainee and now manages her own highly successful team. The years of experience she's built up means she's incredibly well connected and can often be found networking in and around Yorkshire with a glass of Prosecco in hand.