Congratulations to Chris Moyle’s and his team for raising £2.4m for Comic Relief.
As many will have listened to his show over the 52 hours they were on air, it brought back memories of listening to him for 8 hours a day as he was a young ‘wannabe’ DJ in-store at Top Shop in Leeds. He’s come a long way since then (which was the late eighties) but as a Leeds lad we should be very proud of him. Love him or loathe him, it was a good effort. Our people at Network Marketing Towers were active in the whole fundraising pulling together about £150 through dress down days and a few canny bets on the Cheltenham Festival! Overall Comic Relief raised a whopping £74.3 m from the British Public which is amazing, especially considering the current economic climate. Everyone concerned should pat themselves on the back for a job well done.