Recruitment done, with STYLE | Network Marketing

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Recruitment done, with STYLE

A couple of the Network Marketing team headed to a meet at Sedgefield Racecourse yesterday evening to take in the sights and sounds that the races had to offer – the rain even held off until the very end of the session. Close to Durham, the course is used for jump racing only, ensuring a fast and exhilarating race experience.

Although no big wins on the races themselves, James Walker (aka Juice), took the prestigious title of Best Dressed Male – yes indeed…

One look at this picture and we are sure you can see why!

Surely Jonathan Hirst can not have been too far behind in the Best Dressed stakes!

Recruitment, done properly - with lots of extra added style.


Lynne is our marketing manager and has worked in communications for more than 10 years. A proud Dub, (*Dublin, Ireland*), she has lived in the UK for over 6 years with most of this time spent living in sunny Brighton. New to Leeds, she is learning the Yorkshire way, although it is not diluting her accent at all. She talks about all things Network Marketing and The Book Recruitment, a lot, and via many channels!